How do I hide the slack video pop up?

I reached out to slack at asking if it was possible to disable the small video window and this was their response:

Thanks for getting in touch. I'm afraid it's not possible to turn off that video panel, the only way around it would be to put the app in focus in full screen mode.

I'd be happy to share some feedback to our team that you'd like to be able to toggle off that video panel though! Let me know if you have any other questions.

So the answer is: no, it's not possible to hide the window.

I have a workaround that works on Ubuntu + GNOME (I didn't test other distros but it could work).

  1. While on a video/audio call on Slack, change the focus to other window or workspace other than Slack. The undesired popup window should appear.

  2. Hover over the Slack icon on the Ubuntu Dock and click it. It must have three "windows" grouped together on Slack. The third window is the popup window (mini panel).

  3. Click on the "X" to close the popup.

  4. Profit!

"X" button to close the Slack mini panel (popup)

Now the annoying popup is gone, at least for this call. If you want it back, just leave the call and join it again. Leaving the popup closed have no side-effects, you can still share your camera or your screen.