How to show $S^n$ is not contractible without using Homology..
I know the prove $S^n$ is not contractible using homology.But I don't know how to prove it from definition of contractibility.Can anyone help me in this direction? Thanks.
Solution 1:
Though not as easy as homological proofs, there is a known purely analytical proof that the sphere is not contractible. It follows from a purely analytical proof of Brouwer's fixed point theorem due to Milnor here.
Once Brouwer's fixed point theorem is proved, it follows that the sphere is not a retract of the closed ball and this means that the sphere can not be contractible.
If the sphere were a retract of the ball, then the retract followed by the antipodal map on the sphere would be a fixed point free mapping of the ball into itself - contradicting Brouwer's fixed point theorem.
A contraction may be thought of as a retraction mapping of the cone on a space into the space.
$$ S \rightarrow Cone(S) \rightarrow S$$
The closed ball is homeomorphic to the cone on the sphere.
Solution 2:
Following is taken from Fixed point theory - Dugundji, p. 95.
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