A Milk spilled to my PC, is it stil possible to save it?

Got an accident this morning, my daughter glass of milk spill to my tower PC. As soon as it happen I disconnect the plug and open up my tower case. Trace of milk can be seen in my CPU, GPU card and my motherboard. I have tried to clean it using cotton bud. in detail:

  • in CPU socket I can find trace of milk and tried using cotton bud to wipe the milk off and below CPU has some milk.
  • in GPU behind it has some trace of milk, clean it using cotton bud. not trace in GPU socket.
  • in motherboard has some dripping, clean it using cotton bud.

as right now I have dismantle my PC and all of its hardware and wrap it with tissue and put it in safe place. After all of this is there anything else I should have done to save it?

Solution 1:

Basically, you started off in the right direction...

Putting it in rice & hoping for the best is about the worst thing you can do.
Your first enemy on a spill is short-circuiting.
Your real enemy sneaks up behind - corrosion.

Speed is of the essence.

Disconnect from any power [which you already did] Take out any batteries [including the CMOS battery].

Mop as much up as you can quickly.

Strip it down as far as you possibly can - including CPU cooler & GPU casing so you can get in as far as possible.

Spray down with isopropyl alcohol [in spray form it's sold as contact cleaner, expect to need a whole can] to rinse away any residue. Use a soft brush if you're getting dust bunnies or any visible residue too [milk may rapidly congeal near hot components].

Once you've got it cleaned down, then leave it disassembled for a day to make sure it's dry - the isopropyl will chase out water, but then may get stuck in tiny areas under the CPU etc so let it dry at least 24h.

One last point - if any liquid got into the PSU itself, you're far safer to discard it & replace. 120/240v is not fun to play with, & in relative terms a PSU is a cheap component.

Make something appetising to go with the rice you saved ;)