What is another way of saying "final solution?"

"Final Solution" is not the optimal phrase to use because it has a negative historical reference.

When working on a project, I'd like to find a phrase that describes the process of evolving solutions (see, for example, Agile software development).

Additionally, the phrase should fit well with phrases like initial solution, intermediate solution, etc.

Update: Doesn't necessarily have to be a 'solution.'

Let me self-answer with final product. Even though the solution may not be a product, the phrase best describes the iterative and evolving process.

"Logical Conclusion" is similar to "Final Solution" and virtually devoid of connotation.

Also you may consider coining a neologism, perhaps something seemingly-contradictory, paradoxical or oxymoronic -- perhaps everconclusion or endorand (poor example practically, but interesting - combines the words "end" "or" and "and" as to suggest the (end) implies the inevitable connection of (or) the next thing (and)).

Optimal solution gets tossed around a lot these days when one is iterating one's way towards the best possible answer.

I have no canonical answers, nothing much to back me, but in the situation I would say:

the solution,

which I'm sure will speak a lot without much ado.

How about final result? This is also used in other contexts, but I think it also fits into your software development example.