How to change drive's name? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
how can i give other drives and partitions short, meaningful names (in nautilus)?

I've got two Windows drives next to the Ubuntu drive, they are called XXXGB Filesystem, where XXX is a size (80 and 329). How can I change their names to Windows and Data. I don't care, they are called strangely in /media folder, although it would be nice to know where can I change it too and how may I disable to show a system drive, that shouldn't be visible at all.

How it is now:

enter image description here

How it should look like:

enter image description here

Solution 1:

Command Line:

  • To change the labels of drives use one of these commands:

    sudo e2label /dev/sdc6 Data


    sudo sudo tune2fs -L Data /dev/sdc6

    Replace /dev/sdc6 with the specific drive you want to label and Data with the desired label.

    Use sudo fdisk -l to find drive names.



  • If you prefer GUI option than you can use Gparted.

    To install Gparted hit Alt+Ctrl+T to open terminal and run following command:

    sudo apt-get install gparted

    Once installed hit Alt+F2, type gparted and hit Enter or search for gparted in Unity Dash and run it from there.

    Make sure the drive you want to label is unmounted, if it's mounted you can unmount it in Gparted, right click on the drive and select unmount.

    To label a drive right click on the drive you want to label and select Label, enter the desired label.

    enter image description here

    Click on the apply button in toolbar. That's it!

    enter image description here

How to hide "SYSTEM" partition in Nautilus:

  1. Create a file: 99-hide-some-disks.rules

  2. Insert the following line to the file: KERNEL=="device name", ENV{UDISKS_PRESENTATION_HIDE}="1",

    Where device name is sdaX or hdX

  3. Copy the file to /etc/udev/rules.d

  4. Reboot computer, now the drive from a file is invisible (you can still mount it by hand only).

    Source: Thanks to Benjamin