How to style a horizontal list with bullets between items using CSS?
For those of you who don't have to worry about IE8, this is as simple as:
ul li { list-style: none; display: inline; }
ul li:after { content: " \00b7"; }
ul li:last-child:after { content: none; }
This solution matches all of OP's requirements, except IE8 compatibility (that was 2013).
Simple markup. No JavaScript. No :last-child
Link to CodePen
<li><a>Profile Image</a></li>
<li><a>Activity Information</a></li>
<li><a>Points Earned</a></li>
ul { display:inline-block; padding:0; text-align:center }
li { display:inline }
li a { white-space:nowrap }
li:after { content:" "; letter-spacing:1em; background:center center no-repeat url(); }
For almost all browsers, you can use the CSS3 selector last-child
instead of JavaScript:
ul li { display: inline; white-space: pre; }
ul li:after { content: " \00b7 "; }
ul li:last-child:after { content: ""; }
The white-space: pre
stops wrapping within list items (because usually you want it to wrap between list items), and is a hack that allows you to increase the space between list items by adding spaces on the second line.
) is the standard unicode character for interpuncts, but you could also use u2022
), u2b24
), U+2043
), or any other unicode character you choose.
Note that some characters may not be supported on all systems.