SQL placement join with student, friend, package


  • You are given three tables: Students, Friends and Packages.

  • Students contains two columns: ID and Name.

  • Friends contains two columns: ID and Friend_ID (ID of the ONLY best friend).
  • Packages contains two columns: ID and Salary (offered salary in $ thousands per month).

Write a query to output the names of those students whose best friends got offered a higher salary than them. Names must be ordered by the salary amount offered to the best friends. It is guaranteed that no two students got same salary offer.


This is the code that I have come up with but it does not produce correct results. Can anyone let me know why?

select TableA.name 
(select s.id,s.name,p.salary from students s inner join packages p on s.id=p.id) TableA,
(select f.id,f.friend_id, p2.salary from friends f inner join packages p2 on f.friend_id=p2.id) TableB
where TableA.id=TableB.id And TableA.salary>TableB.salary
order by TableB.salary desc;

I think in your query you wrote AND TableA.salary < TableB.salary instead of AND TableA.salary > TableB.salary. Moreover I think your query can be written in a more synthetic way. On MSSQL (but it works on MYSQL too, as query is very basic), you can try to use this one:

        , f.friend_id, p2.salary as friend_salary
    FROM students s
    INNER JOIN packages p ON s.id = p.id
    LEFT JOIN friends f ON f.id = s.id
    LEFT JOIN packages p2 ON f.friend_id = p2.id
 WHERE p.salary <= p2.salary
ORDER BY s.id;


    id  NAME    salary  friend_id   friend_salary
    1   John    1000    2           1200
    3   Pete    800     1           1000

Sample data:

CREATE TABLE students (id int, NAME VARCHAR(30));
CREATE TABLE packages (id int, salary INT);
CREATE TABLE friends (id int, friend_id INT);
INSERT INTO students values (1,'John');
INSERT INTO students values (2,'Arthur');
INSERT INTO students values (3,'Pete');

INSERT INTO packages values (1,1000);
INSERT INTO packages values (2,1200);
INSERT INTO packages values (3,800);

INSERT INTO friends values (1,2);
INSERT INTO friends values (2,3);
INSERT INTO friends values (3,1);

you have written 'where TableA.salary>TableB.salary' implying that you want to find rows where your salary is > than your friends. But the question asked was the opposite (to find names where the firends salary is > than your salary) so you can change that to 'where TableB.salary>TableA.salary' and it should work.

select my_name from
(select s.id as my_id,s.name my_name,p.salary as my_salary from students s 
inner join packages p on s.id=p.id) as my_tbl inner join (select f.id as 
id,f.friend_id as frnd_id,p.salary as frnd_salary from friends f inner join 
packages p on f.friend_id=p.id ) as frnd_tbl on my_id=id where 
frnd_salary>my_salary order by frnd_salary;