What is the word that describes the group mentality against changing the status quo?

I am looking for a word that would be used to describe a person (better if a noun) or a group of people who refuse to even consider anything other than the status quo.

I would like something that conveys that the status quo may be iffy at best and that the person or population wouldn't even have dialogue other than disparaging anyone who questioned the current "rules" or operations.

A conservative is a person who is reluctant to accept changes and new ideas, but that can get a bit political.

A reactionary is an extreme conservative - one who is characterized by reaction, especially opposition to progress

The very expression (?neologism) status quo-ism has already been in use by respected authors for sometime now.

[Emphasis mine.]
Seamus Deane & Ciaran Deane (Eds), Field Day Review 6 (2010), Vol.6. p.92: (Note both the usage and definition in the same sentence.)

The absolute effect of this allegorical utopianism, which creates the hope and faith that distrusts politics and realism, is apolitical status quo-ism; it is the preservation of what is, even as it declares the critical work of real analysis and possible imagination invalid and co-opted.

Michelle Bentley & Jack Holland (Eds), Obama's Foreign Policy: Ending the War on Terror, p.183:

The import of his election as a blow to status quo-ism was central to the victory speech he delivered in Chicago.

You can use hardliner.
a member of a group, typically a political group, who adheres uncompromisingly to a set of ideas or policies.

A possible word is "luddite".


The term has since developed a secondary meaning: a "Luddite" is one opposed to industrialisation, automation, computerisation or new technologies in general.

However, I have heard it applied to an opposition to any new idea.