word request: antonym of try-hard, who does not try to impress

What is a good word to use as an antonym of 'try-hard'? Somebody who does not try to appear highly in another's eyes.

A word close to indifferent,aloof, detached...

Solution 1:

You can use "unpretentious" also.

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not having or showing the unpleasant quality of people who want to be regarded as more impressive, successful, or important than they really are : not pretentious


The adjective unpretentious is perfect for describing someone you know who's modest and natural and never tries to impress other people.

Note: There is also unostentatious which is very similar with unpretentious.

Solution 2:

Consider self-effacing

tending to make oneself, one's actions, etc, inconspicuous, esp because of humility or timidity; modest

Also consider reticent

  1. habitually silent or uncommunicative; disinclined to speak readily; reserved; taciturn
  2. having a restrained, quiet, or understated quality

Solution 3:

A "try-hard" is not only attempting to appear highly, but is also putting a lot of work into it. It often has an insulting connotation, implying that the person's goal is not to be the best or succeed but merely to get the reputation for success.

The opposite of this would be someone who does not try hard, and does not care about the fact that they are seen as such. This word to me is...


Solution 4:

I'm laid-back myself.

having a relaxed style or character