How to automatically run tests when there's any change in my project (Django)?

At the moment I am running python test every once in a while after I make significant changes in my django project. Is it possible to run those tests automatically whenever I change and save a file in my project? It'll be useful to detect bugs earlier (I know rails has something like this with rspec). I am using nose and django-nose. Thanks in advance.

Use entr:

  1. $ brew install entr
  2. $ find . -name '*.py' | entr python ./ test

Or, for extra credit, combine it with ack:

$ ack --python | entr python ./ test

If you want it to even find new files as you add them:

$ until ack -f --python | entr -d python ./ test; do sleep 1; done

py.test answer (which also works for nose):

pip install pytest-xdist
py.test -f # will watch all subfolders for changes, and rerun the tests

Since py.test understands nose, this works for nose too.

I'm a JavaScript developer so I used the tools JS developer have built with Node.js to achieve the same goal in my projects. It is very simple but you also need to install nodeJS to get it working.

I created a file called gruntfile.js in my project root directory:

module.exports = function(grunt) {

    watch: {
      files: ['*.py'],
      tasks: ['shell']
    shell: {
      test: {
        command: 'python'


  grunt.registerTask('default', ['watch']);

What it's doing is basically watching any file in that directory that has a py extension and if they changed it execute a shell command which in this case is my python test (you might wanna change it, my test name was In order to run this grunt script you need to install Node.js and after that you will have npm in your global path. after that you need to insall a few node modules as well. All these modules except grunt-cli will be stored in your current folder so make sure you are at the root of your project or what ever folder you put that gruntfile.js in. then run the fallowing commands.

npm install grunt-cli -g
npm install grunt
npm install grunt-contrib-watch
npm install grunt-shell

Don't worry about the size, these are very small modules. Now that you have every thing setup you can simply run grunt and it will start watching your py files and when you saved them it will run your tests. It may not be best way for running python tests but as I said I'm a JavaScript developer and I think Grunt has provided a very simple way of executing tests even for other languages so I use it.

I just tried nose-watch and it worked fantastic! install the plugin and run the test with the --with-watch option.

Update: :( it does not seem to work well when running tests from django-nose's helper.

Eventually I opted to use tdaemon, which supports django, although might require a bit of fiddling as well for full fledged projects.

For example here is how I ran it for my django project:

tdaemon -t django --custom-args=a_specific_app_to_test -d --ignore-dirs logs

The --custom-args was to focus tests to specific app (same as you would do python test a_specific_app_to_test

The -d argument is to enable debug logging, which prints which file change triggered the run.

The --ignore-dirs was necessary because my tests wrote to the logs (which in itself is a problem!) and tdaemon went into an infinite loop.

Another Javascript dev here, I've found nodemon ( to work pretty well. By default it watches *.js files but that's configurable with the --ext flag. To use it, do:

npm install -g nodemon
cd /your/project/dir/
nodemon --ext py --exec "python test"

Now, whenever a *.py file changes, it'll re-run your command. It even finds new files.