New posts in nose

Problems using nose in a virtualenv

How to automatically run tests when there's any change in my project (Django)?

Nose unable to find tests in ubuntu

How to Fix Python Nose: Coverage not available: unable to import coverage module

`python -m unittest discover` does not discover tests

Python imports for tests using nose - what is best practice for imports of modules above current package

How to change the message in a Python AssertionError?

Why python mock patch doesn't work?

Scrapy Unit Testing

Getting Python's unittest results in a tearDown() method

How to run unittest discover from "python test"?

How to set self.maxDiff in nose to get full diff output?

nose vs pytest - what are the (subjective) differences that should make me pick either? [closed]

setting breakpoints with nosetests --pdb option

Mocking two functions with patch for a unit test

How should I verify a log message when testing Python code under nose?

Python Nose Import Error

How do I run a single test with Nose in Pylons