How do I give a domain user permission to start and stop a Tomcat service?

Solution 1:

I'm not sure what you've tried to do before, but here's what I just did and had success:

1) Downloaded the Tomcat 5.5.27 Windows Service installer and installed it.

2) Dumped the TomCat5 service security descriptor using "sc sdshow tomcat5", which showed me:


This is a pretty common security descriptor for services. I've seen it verbatim on some Microsoft services. The SYSTEM and built-in Administrators have "full control", "Power Users" can stop, start, and pause the service, and "Authenticated Users" can query properties of the service (I'm glossing over a bit here).

3) I created a limited user called "bob" on my box, opened a "RUNAS" command-prompt as him, and got his SID from "WHOAMI /ALL" (a command that's on Windows Server 2003 but not on XP... don't know about Vista and Windows 7 off the top of my head). I verified that Bob could not stop / start the Tomcat service (using "NET STOP tomcat5"). I received the same error you report in your post.

4) From my regular administrator command-prompt, ran the following:

sc sdset tomcat5 D:(A;;CCLCSWRPWPDTLOCRRC;;;SY)(A;;CCDCLCSWRPWPDTLOCRSDRCWDWO;;;BA)(A;;CCLCSWLOCRRC;;;AU)(A;;CCLCSWRPWPDTLOCRRC;;;PU)(A;;RPWPDT;;;S-1-5-21-1409082233-484763869-854245398-1009)

This SDDL string gives Bob's SID (S-1-5-21-1409082233-484763869-854245398-1009) rights to stop, start, and pause the service (RP, WP, and DT, respectively).

5) I flipped back to my "Bob" command prompt and verified that I could now stop and start the service using NET STOP and NET START.

I'd recommend creating a group to delegte this right to, putting a user in that group, getting the group's SID (using WHOAMI or any other tool) and modifying the security descriptor this way.

I would think that using Group Policy to modify the security descriptor would work fine. I have seen cases where some services don't like the default permission that a group policy-based modification puts on a service (look at this posting about the Windows Search service if you want to see what I'm talking about:, but that has been uncommon in my experience.

If you want more background on security descriptors for services, have a look at and

Solution 2:

You could set up a Windows Scheduler job to run the command. A scheduler job can be set up to run a command under some other user's credentials. You can then set the security on the job so that only a certain set of users can run it.

You'll need Admin rights to create the scheduled task, but you can then give other people rights to run it. Even though it's a scheduled task, you can set it so that it only runs on demand.

For example let's say you create a job (open Control Panel>Scheduled Tasks, then right-click and choose New>Scheduled task) called: StartTomcat

Go to the "Task" tab.

Set the "Run" and "Start in" values to the command line that starts Tomcat. Also Set the "Run As" line to be a user that's allowed to start and stop Tomcat, and click the "Set password..." button to provide the user's password. Finally, remove the check from the Enabled box, since you only want to run the job on demand.

Then go to the "Security" tab.
Add the people you want to allow to run the task, and grant them only "Read & Execute" permissions on the task.

Finally, create a batch file to execute the task. The batch file will contain the line:

   schtasks /run /tn StartTomcat

Put the batch file in a place that's accessible to the users that need to run it. It might even be possible to put the batch file on a separate machine, but you'll need some additional parameters to the schtasks line. You can look up those parameters in Windows Help.