Which package provides qmake on Fedora?

The easy way to find out is often just to try installing the file you want:

sudo dnf install /usr/bin/qmake

but in this case that won't work because the literal answer to your question is that nothing does - rather qmake-qt5 is provided by qt5-qtbase-devel and qmake-qt4 is provided by qt-devel.

So rather than running qtmake you will need to run one of those, depending on whether you are trying to build for Qt 4 or Qt 5.

Based on an earlier answer: https://superuser.com/a/1510943/631374

On Fedora 34 it is sudo dnf install qt6-qtbase-devel for QT6.

Try this way:

qt-ui$ qmake-qt5 && make -j 5