How to start a program when another one is stopped

I have tried How to start a program when another one is started and this works perfectly. But how about the other way around? I would like to run a .bat when chrome is closed. By "is closed" I mean... I start chrome and when I close it I want something to happen.

Process termination stands for event with ID 4689

So I have tried:

  <Query Id="0" Path="Security">
    <Select Path="Security">
     *[System[Provider[@Name='Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing'] and Task = 13312 and (band(Keywords,9007199254740992)) and (EventID=4689)]] 
     *[EventData[Data[@Name='NewProcessName'] and (Data='PATH TO CHROME')]]

But it didnt work at all... task did not show any new log when I closed chrome.

Is there something im missing?

By default the part with Task = 13312 using Process Terimation was Task = 13313, however I have tried it with both 13312 and 13313 and doesnt seem to work.

UPDATE 1: Chrome was not the best "example" to pick and try this with task scheduler. I also tried different programs that do not have any background processing after beeng closed, like Notepad, Minesweeper etc... neither of those seem to trigger the task.

Solution 1:

Instead of using @Name='NewProcessName', you need to use @Name='ProcessName'. And use Task = 13313 (as you mentioned yourself). Then everything works as expected. Check this.