PsExec: The user name or password is incorrect

I know there are similar questions to this. But none of them resolved my problem and asking it as a new question.

I tried psexec to remotely execute the following example code.

psexec \\ -u PcName\RemoteUserName -p RemotePassword ipconfig

I checked the PcName and RemoteUserName very carefully in the target machine, and they are correct. My client uses "Windows 10 Enterprise", and target uses "Windows 8.1 Enterprise".

I have done the following things so far,

  • Copied PsExec v2.11 in "C:\Windows\System32" both client and target machines,
  • Ran "reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\system /v LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f" in elevated command prompt in target machine,
  • Firewall is switched off in both machines,
  • No any connections between two machines except VNC viewer (tried psexec without VNC viewer as well).

But, I still get the following error. What am I doing wrong.

Couldn't access
The user name or password is incorrect.

Solution 1:

After trying hours, I found a mistake.

I changed the target machine's (Windows 8.1) username in 'Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\User Accounts\Change Your Name'. But it has not changed the username associated with the command prompt.

Once I used the original user name which was shown in the command prompt as the RemoteUserName in PsExec command the problem resolved.