How to solve the "Bootmgr is missing" problem on Windows 7 machine?

I bought a Dell Laptop recently which has Windows 7 operating system in it. I did not get the operating system CD/DVD. Recently I got a problem while starting the machine.

I really don't know what happened. It says "Bootmgr is missing. Press Alt+Ctrl+Delete to restart".

I have Dell recovery CD. But I don't know how to resolve this issue. Can anyone help me ?

If you didn't get a Windows CD with your PC it usually indicates the software can be found on a hidden partition and thus repaired from that location. If I remember correctly, On earlier Dell laptops, if you press Ctrl + F11 during boot-up, it will take you to the restore utility. On later models I believe they use F8. When you have the 'Advanced Boot Options menu', select 'Repair Your Computer'.

It might be worth checking that Dell CD carefully, sometimes Dell put the OS files on that CD too.