Disabled all services in msconfig - login no longer working

Solution 1:

This is one of the best examples of where an extra user account, and either a restore point or an image backup is a requirement. REGARDLESS, try these:

Try to get into RECOVERY CONSOLE, (Google it), and try various recovery options.

If you can't get there from your keyboard, use and boot a Windows DVD.

Worst case, get someone familiar with registry tools and turn all the services back on, by hand. Just because you can't boot, doesn't mean that you can't access and change anything on your hard drive.

On ANY of these options, if you can, BEFORE you attempt a repair, at least DO an image backup FIRST!! Then you can try to fix it as many times as you like. Better still, restore it to a new hard drive and try to fix the restored image, and don't touch the hard drive you messed up. Try Restore points and Windows Repair first. (But, I've had Restore Points and Windows Repair destroy booting, once on a brand new WORKING PC, under Dell's direction, when just testing restores and repairs. I was only able to boot 10 minutes later, after using the "RESTORE FACTORY IMAGE" from repair console.)

UPDATE: Another solution, which is easiest if you have another account. (From Tom Celic, original question author, that thought of this on his own, used it, solved his own problem, and then posted this answer below:)
"Try to log in using a different user account if you had already created an extra user account with admin rights, and THEN go to MSConfig to turn all the services back on."

Advice for EVERYONE: === >> Create an EXTRA ADMIN account, NOW!
You need to have already created at least ONE other BACKUP account to solve problems like this!! I've had to use it numerous times. So, if your login name is "USER", also create a "USER-BKUP" account, which must have ADMIN rights. Use the same PW for both accounts, unless your account "USER" is not running as admin. -- This is part of the advice we will be providing in our new "Setup My New PC" app, in our SnapBack.com. I used this extra account this week to regain control, and STOP the FORCED Auto-install of Creator's Edition.

(I DO like your reason why you made your mistake---you made my day! :) -- Hey, we are all Bozo's, occasionally.)