How do I do a clean install of Yosemite?

I'd like to start from scratch with Yosemite. I have Mavericks running on my iMac now but I'd like to just wipe the system and start with a clean Yosemite install.

How do I do a clean install of Yosemite on my machine, not an upgrade install?

I downloaded the OS X Yosemite GM from the App Store. Quit the installer that pops up with out installing and made a bootable flash drive with it on it. Used the following command below just change the paths to fit your need.

sudo /Applications/Path to *Yosemite Installer*.app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia --volume /Volumes/*FlashDrive* --applicationpath /Applications/Path to *Yosemite Installer*.app --nointeraction

Then booted the computer to the usb flash drive and wiped the previous partitions using Disk and installed a fresh copy.