How to deal with whitespaces in OS X along filepaths when certain UNIX programs dislike it

I am trying to include a command in a TeX file to a bibliography file that I am storing centrally.

However, when including the filepath, like

/Foldername with whitespace/ANOTHER folder name with whitespace/nowsinfldrname/bibo.bib

my Unix-based typesetting system complains. Is there a way to rectify that other than renaming my folders?

In bash, there are two main ways to have spaces in path names:

  • Backslash escape the spaces

    /path/to/folder\ with\ spaces/
  • Wrap with quote marks

    "/path/to/folder with spaces and $variable/"
    '/path/to/folder with spaces and a literal $/'

    Double quote marks expand shell variables. Single quote marks do not.

Escape the spaces with a backslash:

This\ has\ spaces

As a last resort there are symbolic links.

the link is expanded at a lower level so the application level quoting is skipped.

ln -s '/Foldername with whitespace/ANOTHER folder name with whitespace/nowsinfldrname' /tmp/