How do I find out which gem has a specific dependency?
Solution 1:
In the bash shell you can do:
gem dependency name_of_the_gem --reverse-dependencies
For instance:
$ gem dependency activesupport --reverse-dependencies
Gem activesupport-2.3.14
Used by
actionpack-2.3.14 (activesupport (= 2.3.14))
activerecord-2.3.14 (activesupport (= 2.3.14))
activeresource-2.3.14 (activesupport (= 2.3.14))
Solution 2:
I know this answer includes a link, but this is not a link specific answer
You can always check the reverse dependencies of a gem on There's a link on the right side panel on the website.
Or you can visit the site{gem_name}/reverse_dependencies
So, in your case
Solution 3:
How do I find out which gem has a dependency on sys-proctable?
Try the bundler-why plugin (inspired by yarn why
bundler plugin install bundler-why
bundle why tzinfo
# ransack -> activesupport -> tzinfo
# rspec-rails -> activesupport -> tzinfo
# business_time -> tzinfo
gem dependency --reverse-dependencies
will traverse a single edge of the paths. In comparison, bundle why
will traverse all edges.