Way to make video-thumbnails generate from VLC instead of Totem?

I'm suffering from problem that video-thumbnails do not appear in nautilus for some video files. I just found this bug typefinding: some mpeg files are not identified as mpeg files which seems to address the problem. I don't understand the specifics as reported in this bug report, but it sounds like it's a problem with Totem's interaction with Gstreamer.

Since all my videos play fine with VLC (and they don't all play with Totem), I don't use Totem very much. Is there a way to make VLC generate the video-thumbnails instead of having to rely on the buggy gstreamer/totem? I made VLC my default video player but this had no effect on the display of video-thumbnails. If Totem can't play the video file, then I get no thumbnail. But VLC can play the videos fine, so why can't VLC create a video-thumbnail for it?

Solution 1:

First, make sure all the ffmpeg (the back of vlc) components you need are installed:

sudo apt-get install ffmpeg ffmpegthumbnailer gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg

Clear the thumbnail cache, with bleachbit, ubuntu tweak, or this command:

rm ~/.thumbnails/fail/gnome-thumbnail-factory/*
rm ~/.thumbnails/normal/*

Now we need to tell Ubuntu not to use totem, but to use ffmpeg instead.
sudo nano /usr/share/thumbnailers/totem.thumbnailer and replace all the ext in totem.thumbnailer with the following:

[Thumbnailer Entry]
Exec=ffmpegthumbnailer -s %s -i %i -o %o -c png -f -t 10

And exit nautilus:

nautilus -q

Go to you video and see the thumbnail preview appear for all videos.

Solution 2:

As of Vivid the only package needed is ffmpegthumbnailer:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ffmpegthumbnailer

And the lines to be replaced are only the TryExec=[...] and Exec=[...] lines (this is a one-liner to be executed from the command-line to replace both):

sudo sed -i 's/^TryExec=.*$/TryExec=ffmpegthumbnailer/; s/^Exec=.*$/Exec=ffmpegthumbnailer -s %s -i %i -o %o -c png -f -t 10/' /usr/share/thumbnailers/totem.thumbnailer

Then as usual one should close nautilus and remove the ~/.cache/thumbnails folder:

nautilus -q && rm -r ~/.cache/thumbnails