Wake from hibernate on ssh request

Is there a feature (or aptitude package) in Ubuntu 10.04 that will wake my computer up from standby when it gets an ssh (or other webrequest).

I've been trying to put my computer in hibernate/standby when I'm not running code in an effort to "go green" at my university. However, I often need to ssh into my computer over the weekend to do work. However, it does not seem to "wake-up" to hear this request. I remember on my old windows machine there was a "Wake-on-LAN" option to the hibernate command. So if I needed to remote-desktop in while it was asleep it would wake up.

Can anyone request a good way to replicate this feature?



You need some device on your local network which can send the WOL package needed. It must be the local network because the package isn't forwarded by routers to other network segments.

The perfect device to do this, would be your router. Unfortunately very few routers support this, but if you get one which use OpenWRT or similar you can install software which can generate the necessary WOL packet waking up the machine you actually want to talk to.

The Ubuntu Forums has an excellent Guide. You will need to wake the machine with a WOL packet before you ssh in though.