Remove D: or Add C: Drive shortcuts from File Explorer

Solution 1:

Is it possible to either remove D: from this list or add C:?

Well, here is how you can remove D:

I actually find this annoying, and so I've hidden the extra drives so they don't show up at all. This prevents flash drives from showing up twice, but it should hide all extra drives from showing up except nested under This PC.

I don't remember where I got this from, but you can use a Registry Script to quickly edit the registry to hide those extra drives:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



Save the above as RemoveDrives.reg and right-click and click Merge. I don't believe it needs to be run as administrator, but if it doesn't work the first time, try that.

Once you restart File Explorer, the extra drives should no longer be visible.

This reverts File Explorer to the Windows 7 behavior where drives only showed up nested under Computer and not anywhere else, in my opinion the more sensible behavior.

Here is a screenshot from my PC when I plug in a USB flash drive. Notice it doesn't show up by itself in the Navigation pane - only once under This PC:

enter image description here