remove leading 0 in front of decimal except when a a non-zero number precedes it

I have a column, which has a comma separated values inside each cell that look like this

0.1, 0.2,0.3, 0.4,0.5, 0.8,1.0
1.5, 1.6,2.0, 10.6,10.9, 15.2,30.75
20, 0.25,280.2, 0.29,300.2, 423,530.76

Like a text string.

The goal is to remove the leading zero in front of the decimal, but only when there is no other digit (including another 0) in front of it I use the search replace function vba:

    Option Explicit
    Public Sub Replace0dot(Optional byDummy As Byte)
        Columns("A").Replace What:"0.", _
                            Replacement:=".", _
                            LookAt:=xlPart, _
                            SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
                            MatchCase:=False, _
                            SearchFormat:=False, _
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub 

and I end up with this:

.1, .2,.3, .4,.5, .8,1
1.5, 1.6,2, 1.6,1.9, 15.2,3.75
2, .25,28.2, .29,30.2, 423,53.76

It removes all instances of leading 0. with ., so you see 10.6 becomes 1.6. But it should remain 10.6 How can I get a search replace equivalent that gives me:

.1, .2,.3, .4,.5, .8,1
1.5, 1.6,2, 10.6,10.9, 15.2,30.75
20, .25,280.2, .29,300.2, 423,530.76

??? Seems like there would have to be un-concatenate and re-concatenate to achieve the goal.

Solution 1:

Here is a very simple approach:

  • if the string begins with 0. then drop the zero
  • if the string contains triplets like {space}0. then drop that zero
  • if the string contains triplets like ,0. then drop that zero

Select the cells and run this code:

Sub fixdata()
    Dim r As Range, t As String

    For Each r In Selection
        t = r.Text
        If Left(t, 2) = "0." Then t = Mid(t, 2)
        t = Replace(t, " 0.", " .")
        t = Replace(t, ",0.", ",.")
        r.Value = t
    Next r
End Sub


enter image description here

and after:

enter image description here

If there are other triplets that must be changed, just add another Replace()


To avoid manual selection of the cells, we can have the macro do is an example for column A:

Sub fixdata2()
    Dim r As Range, t As String

    For Each r In Intersect(Range("A:A"), ActiveSheet.UsedRange)
        t = r.Text
        If Left(t, 2) = "0." Then t = Mid(t, 2)
        t = Replace(t, " 0.", " .")
        t = Replace(t, ",0.", ",.")
        r.Value = t
    Next r
End Sub


In this version we append a ; to the end of each cell just before entering text into that cell:

Sub fixdata3()
    Dim r As Range, t As String, Suffix As String
    Suffix = ";"

    For Each r In Intersect(Range("A:A"), ActiveSheet.UsedRange)
        t = r.Text
        If Left(t, 2) = "0." Then t = Mid(t, 2)
        t = Replace(t, " 0.", " .")
        t = Replace(t, ",0.", ",.")
        r.Value = t & Suffix
    Next r
End Sub


In this version the ; is appended only if it not already present in the cell:

Sub fixdata4()
    Dim r As Range, t As String, Suffix As String
    Suffix = ";"

    For Each r In Intersect(Range("A:A"), ActiveSheet.UsedRange)
        t = r.Text
        If Left(t, 2) = "0." Then t = Mid(t, 2)
        t = Replace(t, " 0.", " .")
        t = Replace(t, ",0.", ",.")
        If Right(t, 1) <> Suffix Then
            r.Value = t & Suffix
        End If
    Next r
End Sub


This version will not affect empty cells:

Sub fixdata5()
    Dim r As Range, t As String, Suffix As String
    Suffix = ";"

    For Each r In Intersect(Range("A:A"), ActiveSheet.UsedRange)
        t = r.Text
        If t <> "" Then
            If Left(t, 2) = "0." Then t = Mid(t, 2)
            t = Replace(t, " 0.", " .")
            t = Replace(t, ",0.", ",.")
            If Right(t, 1) <> Suffix Then
                r.Value = t & Suffix
            End If
        End If
    Next r
End Sub


This fixes the bug in the previous version:

Sub fixdata6()
    Dim r As Range, t As String, Suffix As String
    Suffix = ";"

    For Each r In Intersect(Range("A:A"), ActiveSheet.UsedRange)
        t = r.Text
        If t <> "" Then
            If Left(t, 2) = "0." Then t = Mid(t, 2)
            t = Replace(t, " 0.", " .")
            t = Replace(t, ",0.", ",.")
            If Right(t, 1) <> Suffix Then
                t = t & Suffix
            End If
            r.Value = t
        End If
    Next r
End Sub