How can I insert a new line in a cmd.exe command?

I'm trying to execute a command on cmd.exe, with a line break or new line as part of the command, like below:

command -option:text  

But every new line executes the command, instead of continuing the command on the next line.

So how can I input a new line character, or create a multi-line command in cmd.exe?

Use the ^ character as an escape:

command -option:text^ 

I'm assuming you're using cmd.exe from Windows XP or later. This is not actual DOS. If you are using actual DOS (MS-DOS, Win3.1, Win95, Win98, WinME), then I don't believe there is an escape character for newlines. You would need to run a custom shell. cmd.exe will prompt you for More? each time you press enter with a ^ at the end of the line, just press enter again to actually escape/embed a newline.

Use Alt codes with the numpad


Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600]

C:\>echo Line1◙Line2 >con


That line feed character can be entered as an Alt code on the CLI using the numpad: with NumLock on, hold down ALT and type 10 on the numpad before releasing ALT. If you need the CR as well, type them both with Alt+13 and then Alt+10 : ♪◙

Note: this will not work in a batch file.

Sample use case:

You are trying to read the %PATH% or %CLASSPATH% environment variables to get a quick overview of what's there and in what order - but the wall of text that path returns is unreadable. Then this is something you can quickly type in:

echo %path:;=◙% >con


Added the >con workaround that Brent Rittenhouse discovered for newer versions of cmd.exe, where the original method had stopped working.

I don't know if this will work for you but by putting &echo (the following space is important). in between each statement that you want on a new line. I only tried this with a simple bat file of

echo %1

Then saved that as testNewLines.bat

So then the cmd line

testNewLines first line&echo Second Line&echo Third line

Resulted in the following being echoed back

first line
second line
Third line

^'s output are saveable.

set br= ^
<</br (newline)>>


@echo off
setlocal enableExtensions enableDelayedExpansion
rem cd /D "%~dp0"

rem //# need 2 [/br], can't be saved to a var. by using %..%;
set br= ^

set "t=t1!br!t2!br!t3"

for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%q in ("!t!") do (
    echo %%q

rem endlocal
rem exit /b

; output:

Press any key to continue . . .