How do I get enough Great Works for Radio Free Europe?

Picture of achievement

I already won a Space Victory, but made a save game. I am very late into the game and have already digged out all hidden (I have the Explorer Social Policy) and all visible heritage sites with archaeologists.

My cities are made for great people generation and have a lot of culture, but yet, I have only 6 out of 10 Songs (Great Works required for the Broadcast Towers).

Is there any way to salvage this game to get this achievement?

What are my options to get more musicians?

The only way to generate Great Musician's is building the musician's guild and setting specialists to work on it. There are however, several ways to speed up that process.

NOTE: You must have the specialists working the musician's guild for the +% Great Person bonuses to actually affect the generation of Great Musicians from the guild. If you don't have the specialists working the guild, you will always have 0 generation no matter how many of the following bonuses you have. Though the instant ways to get Great People will still, of course, work.

As for a leader Suggestion I went with Pedro II of Brazil for the 50% Great Musician/Writer/Artist boost during golden ages.

Faster Great Person generation

Aesthetics (Social Policy Tree)

  • Adopting this policy tree increases Great Musician/Writer/Artist generation by +25%

Arts Funding (World Congress Resolution)

  • +33% generation of Great Artists/Musicians/Writers, at the cost of -33% generation of the other Great People.

Avant Garde (Freedom Level 1 Ideological Tenet)

  • +25% Great Person Generation in All Cities.

Garden (Building)

  • Requires Theology, City next to River or Lake
  • +25% Great People Generation in this City.
  • The Hanging Gardens Wonder (requires Tradition, Mathematics) provides a free Garden.

Hero of the People (Order Level 1 Ideological Tenet)

  • +25% Great Person Generation in All Cities.

Leaning Tower of Pisa (World Wonder)

  • Requires Printing Press
  • +25% Great People Generation in all Cities

Liberty (Social Policy Tree)

  • Getting all 5 Policies in Liberty will let you choose a Free Great Person.

National Epic (National Wonder)

  • Requires Drama & Poetry, Monument in All Cities.
  • +25% Great people Generation in this City.

Instant Great Persons/Musicians

Aesthetics (Social Policy Tree)

  • Adopting all policies in this tree allows you to buy Great Musician/Writer/Artists with faith beginning in the Industrial Era.

Broadway (World Wonder)

  • Requires Radio
  • Grants 1 free Great Musician in the city this wonder is built in.

Leaning Tower of Pisa (World Wonder)

  • Requires Printing Press.
  • 1 Free Great Person of your Choice.

Patronage (Social Policy Tree)

  • Finishing the Patronage Social Tree will result in City-States occasionally gifting you Great People. Not as reliable, but is an option.

To the Glory of God (Reformation Belief)

  • Taking this reformation belief allows you to purchase any Great Person with Faith beginning in the Industrial Era.

There are two ways to get Great Works of Music:

  1. Make them yourself via Great Musicians. Either build the Musician's Guild early in the game (so that you will have accumulated many Great Musicians by the end of the game), or fill the Aesthetics cultural policy tree so you can purchase Great Musicians with Faith once you hit the Industrial era. Ideally, do both: taking the Aesthetics tree will also make you generate more Great Musicians, and accumulate Faith so you can purchase even more.
  2. Take them from others. Go to war against other civilizations who have Great Works of Music. The first few cities you capture won't have any because your opponent will almost certainly evacuate them from the city before you take it, but eventually they'll run out of extra Great Work slots and you'll start capturing Great Works as you capture cities.

You can also trade Great Works with other nations, but this won't help you accumulate more Great Works of Music. Alas, you can't swap your Great Works of Writing for Great Works of Music; you can only swap for works of the same type.