Generate SHA, MD5 and other checksums from properties menu (added "Digests" tab)

There is nautilus-gtkhash to add a context menu to nautilus.


The standalone application is gtkhash.


Both can be installed with

sudo apt install gtkhash


sudo apt install nautilus-gtkhash

After installing, restart nautilus. You can close nautilus as follows. Merely closing all the nautilus windows is not enough.

nautilus -q

After restarting nautilus, there will now be a Digest tab in the Properties dialog box.

First, create a script to create a message with the md5 checksum. This will also handle paths with spaces. I saved this as /usr/local/bin/md5info. Make it executable.

zenity --info --text "$(md5sum $1 | sed 's/ /\n/')"

Install nautilus-actions, with which you can add bits to the context menu.

sudo apt-get install nautilus-actions

Open System>Preferences>Nautilus Actions Configuration.

Add a new action. On the Action tab, specify
Context label: Digest
You can add a tooltip and icon if you like.

On the Command tab, under Command:
Path: md5info
Parameters: %d%f

Save the changes. You might need to kill existing nautilus windows with nautilus -q the first time.

I found a better Nautilus Integrated Checksum generator. To install:

  1. Download HashTab Python Script and extract the ".py" file to ~/.nautilus/python-extensions (if the folder doesn't exist just make it)

  2. Now you need to install python-nautilus

    sudo apt-get install python-nautilus
  3. Last but not least we need to restart Nautilus

    nautilus -q && nautilus

Now you just select any file and go to Properties-->Digests and you should get this: HashTab Nautilus Python Extension

Tested On:

  • Ubuntu 11.04
  • Ubuntu 12.04