Find projects that use a particular programming language in Launchpad?

Solution 1:

As Marco Ceppi has pointed me towards launchpadlib, I wrote a little script that will do this for you. alt text download it here

Run the script by calling python in a Terminal after you've downloaded and saved it. It will ask you for a programming language, case insensitive, and a search query (where wildcards, *, are allowed). If you leave either of them blank, it will search across all, rather than none.

You'll need to install python-launchpadlib before you can use it.

Here's some example output:

stefano@3000-G530:~$ python 
Enter a programming language or leave blank to find projects in all languages:
>>> Python
Enter a search query or leave blank for all:
>>> Calculator
calcool - A document based calculator tool...
evias - Web site used to apply Eve DB dump to Eve API results and get th...
txevolver - txEvolver is a Twisted-based set of libraries for performing ...

Solution 2:

Launchpad doesn't have this functionality. The request for it is bug #2630, which you may want to subscribe to.

Solution 3:

You can find particular project in the following link.But as far as i know you can not list projects that uses X programming langauge.

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