Extract digits from string - StringUtils Java

Use this code numberOnly will contain your desired output.

   String str="sdfvsdf68fsdfsf8999fsdf09";
   String numberOnly= str.replaceAll("[^0-9]", "");

I always like using Guava String utils or similar for these kind of problems:

String theDigits = CharMatcher.inRange('0', '9').retainFrom("abc12 3def"); // 123

Just one line:

int value = Integer.parseInt(string.replaceAll("[^0-9]", ""));

You can also use java.util.Scanner:

new Scanner(str).useDelimiter("[^\\d]+").nextInt()

You can use next() instead of nextInt() to get the digits as a String. Note that calling Integer.parseInt on the result may be many times faster than calling nextInt().

You can check for the presence of number using hasNextInt() on the Scanner.

Use a regex such as [^0-9] to remove all non-digits.

From there, just use Integer.parseInt(String);