How to permanently block 'Sign in with Google' suggestions from websites? [duplicate]

Some websites pop-up a message suggesting Sign in to 'me' with Google:

enter image description here


  • seems to do this once (the setting is stored in a cookie; when I remove that the pop-up appears again);

  • keeps nagging me everytime I follow a link to it (often from a Google image search).

How can I block these suggestions, from any website from now on?
My Google-Fu fails me here because most search results are about Google search suggestions or automatically logging in with Google.


  • I'm always logged into Google and want to keep that;
  • I'm using FireFox;
  • I'm using AdBlock plus, maybe there's something I can configure there?

uBlock Origin extension for Firefox can be used to block specific items. Within uBlock Origin running:

  • Right-click on the popup (or overlay).
  • Select Block element...
  • A filter editor will show the rule to be created; click on Create.

If successful, next time that particular page is loaded, the overly should be blocked.

Note that it may take a few times to completely block all elements of the overlay.