Is there a way to use Regular Expressions in Outlook rules?

Our mail server manages to filter a lot of spam, but the spammers seem to be finding ways to get around it. I am finding that much the current crop of stuff that gets through could be filtered on my end if only I could make a rule that could clue in on stuff that a regular expression could ferret out. Here's a very consistent thing in the message body of a large number of messages:

<!--  -->

I look in the list of conditions in the Rules Wizard and I see nothing that helps, but perhaps I don't see something that could work?

This is Outlook 2007.

I replied to your stackoverflow question. Hopefully that will help. Keep in mind that using the 'run script' action is just an action, and not a condition. To be effective, it'll have to be in the top rule handling all incoming messages, and then the script just inspects the contents and moves/deletes the message item or just skips over it letting the next rule in line take it from there.

You could also manage this through item/application events. See Microsoft Outlook Programming: Jumpstart for Administrators, Developers, and Power Users: Section 11.5.3 for an example.

Possibly not the answer you are looking for, but since you have a mail server then I presume you have > 1 people on your network picking up their mail from it?! In this case, having regular expressions on each client PC that will need regular tweaking seems to be tackling the problem at the wrong end and creating one heck of a support burden.

If your mail server is not performing all the filtering you need, I would suggest you start there and see what can be done about it.

What's your mail server running? (Exchange?)