Why TRUE == "TRUE" is TRUE in R?

Solution 1:

According to the help file ?`==` :

If the two arguments are atomic vectors of different types, one is coerced to the type of the other, the (decreasing) order of precedence being character, complex, numeric, integer, logical and raw.

So TRUE is coerced to "TRUE" (i. e. as.character(TRUE)), hence the equality.

The equivalent of an operator === in some other language (i. e. are the two objects equal and of the same type) would be function identical:

identical(TRUE, "TRUE")

Solution 2:

TRUE and FALSE are reserved words in R. I don't think eznme was correct (before his edit) when he said any non-zero value was TRUE, since TRUE == "A" evaluates to FALSE. (That would have been correct in explaining why TRUE == 1 evaluates to TRUE, but it would not explain the result for TRUE == 7

The explanation given by plannapus was taken out of the context of describing the behavior of as.logical. It is closer to the "truth", because it is the implicit coercion of TRUE to character by the == operator that creates this result. Although T and F are initially given the values of TRUE and FALSE, they can be reassigned to other values or types.

> TRUE == as.logical( c("TRUE", "T", "true", "True") )

>  TRUE == 7
> TRUE == as.logical(7)
[1] TRUE
>  TRUE == as.logical("A")
[1] NA

(I earlier incorrectly wrote that the coercion induced by TRUE == "TRUE" was to logical; it's actually via as.character(TRUE) returning "TRUE".)