Android Studio: failed to complete gradle execution, cause is empty

I had the same issue, this problem will be fixed by doing the below step.

Go to

File->Setting->Gradle->Gradle Vm Option

For Android Studio 1.2

File->Setting->Build, Deployment &Execution->Build Tools->Gradle->Gradle Vm Option

, Now put this value -Xmx256m in the box, and hit the Apply button.

  1. Click "Gradle Console" for the log from Gradle.
  2. Debug from the error messages
    • Mac: In Android Studio, go to:
      • "Preference"
      • "Build, Execution, Deployment"
      • "Compiler"
      • Add "--stacktrace" to "Command-line Options"

Note the error will usually be listed as the first line (improperly formatted for Android Studio Gradle console such as:

AGPBI: {"kind":"error","text":"Float types not allowed (at \u0027icon_alpha_active\u0027 with value \u00270.75\u0027).","sources":[{"file":"/Users/mingsheng/path/to/my/errenous/integers.xml","position":{"startLine":5,"startColumn":38,"startOffset":272,"endColumn":42,"endOffset":276}}],"original":""}

Where "text" = error message, "sources: file" = errenous filepath/name

In this example, I have entered a Float value in the integers file.

This dialog box with empty cause also comes when there is some error in your resource(res) directory. Check for any error in layout files etc.

I had this issue too. It caused by mistake in dimens.xml (git helps me found it).

I used

<dimen name="map_search_view_top_margin">100</dimen>


<dimen name="map_search_view_top_margin">100dp</dimen>

Hope it helps.