To make something opaque = opaquen?

To make something opaque is to 'opaquen'?

How about to make something transparent? Is it 'transparentize'?

Edit 1 This is for a computer code library that manipulates colors. I have verbs to describe the actions like Brighten and Saturate, but I also want to find a nice words to describe making something more or less opaque.

Solution 1:

There's opacify:

to cause to become opaque.

It sounds a bit awkward/made up, but the meaning is unambiguous.

Make transparent is more difficult. Clarify could work in certain limited contexts, but not in yours, I think. Unfortunately, I think a multi-word construction such as SetTransparency is your only choice here.

Solution 2:

Translucent is between opaque and transparent, so... Translucify?

(As a bonus, it sounds bad-ass, like an album from a band called Translucifer!)