DHCP Post-Install configuration wizard hangs

I'm attempting to set up a Windows 2012 Active Directory demo environment on a Hyper-V VM, but when I run the DHCP Post-Install configuration wizard to authorize the DHCP server in AD DS, the wizard hangs when I press Commit.

This is a Hyper-V VM, it should be hosting DHCP and DNS for the domain. It's connected to an "Internal" Hyper-V network switch.

What's causing the wizard to hang? How can I diagnose this? As far as I can tell, DHCP and DNS are configured correctly.

Alternatively: the DHCP server is already authorized in AD (presumably it succeeded). How do I get rid of the notification flag in Server Manager?

Update: After about 5 minutes, it finally failed with "Failed to open registry key on target computer to set the status of post configuration task. Error: The WinRM client received an HTTP status code of 504 from the remote WS-Management service."

This is a single-machine installation (and the firewall's disabled anyway), so what's going wrong here?

Solution 1:

If the administrator has completed the post-install configuration using PowerShell, Server Manager may still raise a flag (alert) for its completion using the post-install configuration wizard. This alert can be suppressed by notifying the Server Manager that the post-install configuration has been completed. This can be done by the below command:

Set-ItemProperty –Path registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ServerManager\Roles\12 –Name ConfigurationState –Value 2

I actually unauthorized my scope, it fixed itself, and then I re-authorized it.