Add TomCat to XAMPP installation

If you are worried about your PHP folder, you can:

  • Stop Apache.
  • Navigate to your XAMPP installation folder.
  • Copy the php folder in place (so you get another folder called e.g. php - Copy.
  • Install Tomcat with the XAMPP installer.
  • Making sure Apache is still stopped, go back to your XAMPP installation folder.
  • Delete your php folder and rename php - Copy back to php.

You can install Tomcat separately from XAMPP. Just remember that Tomcat needs a prior installation of Java.

After the installation of Tomcat, modify its file server.xml (located in folder tomcat_installation_path\conf ) to change the default port number to another number than 8080, because 8080 is used by XAMPP.

Example: Change Connector port="8080" to Connector port="8081".

Now when you start XAMPP you go to localhost:8080, and whenever you run Tomcat you go to localhost:8081.

You may also do it in other way round as well, keeping the default port number of Tomcat and changing XAMPP's port number.


  • Configure and Use Apache Tomcat
  • How to change Tomcat default port ?