Laravel: validate an integer field that needs to be greater than another

Solution 1:

There is no built-in validation that would let you compare field values like that in Laravel, so you'll need to implement a custom validator, that will let you reuse validation where needed. Luckily, Laravel makes writing custom validator really easy.

Start with defining new validator in yor AppServiceProvider:

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
  public function boot()
    Validator::extend('greater_than_field', function($attribute, $value, $parameters, $validator) {
      $min_field = $parameters[0];
      $data = $validator->getData();
      $min_value = $data[$min_field];
      return $value > $min_value;

    Validator::replacer('greater_than_field', function($message, $attribute, $rule, $parameters) {
      return str_replace(':field', $parameters[0], $message);

Now you can use your brand new validation rule in your $rules:

$rules = [
  'initial_page' => 'required_with:end_page|integer|min:1|digits_between: 1,5',
  'end_page' => 'required_with:initial_page|integer|greater_than_field:initial_page|digits_between:1,5'

You'll find more info about creating custom validators here: They are easy to define and can then be used everywhere you validate your data.

Solution 2:

the question was asked in 2015 so most of the answers are also outdated now in 2019

i want to give answer which uses features provided by laravel team which is included in it's new version,

so as stated by @Sarpadoruk as of laravel 5.6 laravel added features in validation like gt,gte,lt and lte which means:

  • gt - greater than
  • gte - greater than equal to
  • lt - less than
  • lte - less than equal to

so using gt you can check that your end_page should be greater than your initial_page and your task becomes very easy now:

$rules = [
  'initial_page' => 'required_with:end_page|integer|min:1|digits_between: 1,5',
  'end_page' => 'required_with:initial_page|integer|gt:initial_page|digits_between:1,5'

Solution 3:

For Laravel 5.4 it will be:

$rules = ['end_page'=>'min:'.(int)$request->initial_page]