Make an html number input always display 2 decimal places

I'm making a form where the user can enter a dollar amount using an html number input tag. Is there a way to have the input box always display 2 decimal places?

Solution 1:

So if someone else stumbles upon this here is a JavaScript solution to this problem:

Step 1: Hook your HTML number input box to an onchange event

myHTMLNumberInput.onchange = setTwoNumberDecimal;

or in the html code if you so prefer

<input type="number" onchange="setTwoNumberDecimal" min="0" max="10" step="0.25" value="0.00" />

Step 2: Write the setTwoDecimalPlace method

function setTwoNumberDecimal(event) {
    this.value = parseFloat(this.value).toFixed(2);

By changing the '2' in toFixed you can get more or less decimal places if you so prefer.

Solution 2:

an inline solution combines Groot and Ivaylo suggestions in the format below:


Solution 3:

An even simpler solution would be this (IF you are targeting ALL number inputs in a particular form):

//limit number input decimal places to two
     this.value = parseFloat(this.value).toFixed(2);

Solution 4:

What other folks posted here mainly worked, but using onchange doesn't work when I change the number using arrows in the same direction more than once. What did work was oninput. My code (mainly borrowing from MC9000):


<input class="form-control" oninput="setTwoNumberDecimal(this)" step="0.01" value="0.00" type="number" name="item[amount]" id="item_amount">


function setTwoNumberDecimal(el) {
        el.value = parseFloat(el.value).toFixed(2);

Solution 5:

The accepted solution here is incorrect. Try this in the HTML:


and the function to look like:

 function setTwoNumberDecimal(el) {
        el.value = parseFloat(el.value).toFixed(2);