Input autofocus attribute

I have places in my code where I have this:

<input data-ng-disabled="SOME_SCOPE_VARIABLE" />

I would like to be able to use it like this too:

<input data-ng-autofocus="SOME_SCOPE_VARIABLE" />

Or even better, mimicking how ng-style is done:

<input data-ng-attribute="{autofocus: SOME_SCOPE_VARIABLE}" />

Does this exist in the current version of AngularJS? I noticed in the code there's a BOOLEAN_ATTR which gets all the attr's that AngularJS supports. I don't want to modify that in fear of changing versions and forgetting to update.

Update: AngularJS now has an ngFocus directive that evaluates an expression on focus, but I mention it here for the sake of completeness.

The current version of AngularJS doesn't have a focus directive, but it's in the roadmap. Coincidentally, we were talking about this on the mailing list yesterday, and I came up with this:

angular.module('ng').directive('ngFocus', function($timeout) {
    return {
        link: function ( scope, element, attrs ) {
            scope.$watch( attrs.ngFocus, function ( val ) {
                if ( angular.isDefined( val ) && val ) {
                    $timeout( function () { element[0].focus(); } );
            }, true);

            element.bind('blur', function () {
                if ( angular.isDefined( attrs.ngFocusLost ) ) {
                    scope.$apply( attrs.ngFocusLost );


Which works off a scope variable as you requested:

<input type="text" ng-focus="isFocused" ng-focus-lost="loseFocus()">

Here's a fiddle:

You can do this with the built-in ngAttr attribute bindings.

<input ng-attr-autofocus="{{SOME_SCOPE_VARIABLE}}">

The autofocus attribute will be added if SOME_SCOPE_VARIABLE is defined (even if it's false), and will be removed if it's undefined. So I force falsy values to be undefined.

$scope.SOME_SCOPE_VARIABLE = someVar || undefined;

This directive should do the trick:

angular.module('utils.autofocus', [])
.directive('autofocus', ['$timeout', function($timeout) {
  return {
    restrict: 'A',
    scope: {'autofocus':'='}
    link : function($scope, $element) {
      $scope.$watch 'autofocus', function(focus){
          $timeout(function() {

Taken from here: