How do I find images based on their numbers in the Excel file?

Solution 1:

You can try an approch like the following in powershell It can certainly be optimized, but I wanted it simple to understand with 2 steps : - The first one : creation of the target tree according to your input file (.csv) - The second one : moving image files in the corresponding subdirectories)

#The process : 
$BasedImages = "\\path\to\ImagesDirectory"
$csvfile = "\\path\to\Inputcsvfile.csv"

#Gather all subfolders in the Images Directory (only first level) and put the name of these folder in a var. The only property useful for later use is the Directory name. Useless to gather all properties 
$ExistingSubDir = Get-ChildItem -Path $BasedImages -Directory | Select-Object -Property name

# Gather unique diagnosis in the input file and put in a var. The only useful property in the dx property for a later use. Useless to collect more info. 
$UniqueDiagnosis = Import-Csv -Path $csvfile | Select-Object -property dx -Unique

# gather all images files FullName in the Images Directory and put in a var. it seems that only  Name,DirectoryName, FullName properties will be usefull for later use
$AllImagesFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $BasedImages -File | Select-Object -Property Name, DirectoryName FullName

# now First Step : build a Tree with  subfolders named by the unique Diagnosis name. 
foreach ($Diagnosis in $UniqueDiagnosis)
    # search if a diagnosis dir name (dx field in the input .csv file) exist in the ImageDirectory and put the result in a var
    if ($ExistingSubDir -contains $Diagnosis) 
        Write-Host "$ExistingSubDir is still existing, no action at this step" -ForegroundColor Green 
        New-Item -Path $BasedImages -Name $Diagnosis -ItemType Directory
        Write-Host "a sub-directory named $Diagnosis has been created in the folder $BasedImages" -ForegroundColor Yellow

# At this step, you'll have some sub directories named with the name of all diagnosis (fied dx in the input file)
# Now Step 2 Time to move the files in the root folder
foreach ($image in $AllImagesFiles)
    $TargetSubDir = Get-Item -Path $($image.fullName)
    Move-Item -Path $($Image.FullName) -Destination ( Join-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path $($Image.DirectoryName) -Parent) -ChildPath $TargetSubDir)
    Write-Host "the image named $($ has been moved to the sud directory $TargetSubDir" -ForegroundColor Green

Careful, i haven't completly tested the code, use with caution.
