Check the summary of spent money for Steam games

How to check the all paid money in steam for paying games?

I mean the summary of spent money for paying games, i have a pretty bad feeling that i paid more than i think for the first time.

Solution 1:

Go to your account in the upper right corner of Steam, and click on Account Details in the dropdown.

From there, click on the STORE TRANSACTIONS link to view your list of transactions.

enter image description here

I don't think it gives you a summary though, so you'll have to add up the total yourself.

Or as FEichinger said below, you can access it from the Enhanced Steam extension.

(As a side note, wow I've really spent around $750 on steam games?! And that's just my account... boyfriend has his own account with roughly twice the games!)

Solution 2:

It seems that only a few days ago steam released a feature on its support page that allows you to see the sum of purchases: .

According to this website:

Old spend only shows the money spent up before April 17, 2015. You may remember that Valve instated a policy around that time that restricts users who have not spent at least $5 from trading, sending friend invites, or using the market.

which explains the distinction between the first two rows.


The total spend stat includes the old spend as well.

Regarding the last row the article states:

As for PW spend, it’ll simply track all the money you spent through a Perfect World account in Dota 2, or Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. For anyone outside of China, this will most likely be $0, since it only tracks the Chinese versions of those games, which are co-published in the country by Perfect World.

This is how it would look like when visiting the linked support site: enter image description here

Solution 3: has a script that, when run on, will tell you the amount that you have spent within the Store (this does not include retail purchases)

To access the javascript you need to click on 'Receipt'. Then you simply need to follow the instructions found there.