How to display tables on mobile using Bootstrap?

Bootstrap 3 introduces responsive tables:

<div class="table-responsive">
  <table class="table">

Bootstrap 4 is similar, but with more control via some new classes:

...responsive across all viewports ... with .table-responsive. Or, pick a maximum breakpoint with which to have a responsive table up to by using .table-responsive{-sm|-md|-lg|-xl}.

Credit to Jason Bradley for providing an example:

Responsive Tables

You might also consider trying one of these approaches, since larger tables aren't exactly friendly on mobile even if it works:

I'm partial to 'No More Tables' but that obviously depends on your application.

All tables within bootstrap stretch according to the container they're in. You can put your tables inside a .span element to control the size. This SO Question may help you out

Why do Twitter Bootstrap tables always have 100% width?