How to make a JFrame Modal in Swing java

I have created one GUI in which I have used a JFrame. How should I make it Modal?

Solution 1:

Your best bet is to use a JDialog instead of a JFrame if you want to make the window modal. Check out details on the introduction of the Modality API in Java 6 for info. There is also a tutorial.

Here is some sample code which will display a JPanel panel in a JDialog which is modal to Frame parentFrame. Except for the constructor, this follows the same pattern as opening a JFrame.

final JDialog frame = new JDialog(parentFrame, frameTitle, true);

Edit: updated Modality API link & added tutorial link (nod to @spork for the bump).

Solution 2:

You can create a class that is passed a reference to the parent JFrame and holds it in a JFrame variable. Then you can lock the frame that created your new frame.


//Some actions


Solution 3:

just replace JFrame to JDialog in class

public class MyDialog extends JFrame // delete JFrame and write JDialog

and then write setModal(true); in constructor

After that you will be able to construct your Form in netbeans and the form becomes modal

Solution 4:

  1. Create a new JPanel form
  2. Add your desired components and code to it

YourJPanelForm stuff = new YourJPanelForm();
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,stuff,"Your title here bro",JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);

Your modal dialog awaits...