MSTest Equivalent for NUnit's Parameterized Tests?

NUnit supports a feature where you can specify a set of data inputs for a unit test to be run multiple times.

public void SumTests(int x, int y, int z, int expected)

What's the best way to accomplish this same type of thing using MSTest? I can't find a similar set of attributes.

For those using MSTest2, DataRow + DataTestMethod are available to do exactly this:

[DataRow(Enum.Item1, "Name1", 123)]
[DataRow(Enum.Item2, "Name2", 123)]
[DataRow(Enum.Item3, "Name3", 456)]
public void FooTest(EnumType item, string name, string number)
    var response = ExecuteYourCode(item, name, number);

    Assert.AreEqual(item, response.item);

More about it here

Would this help?

This week I was adding some unit tests to a project that is managed by TFS, so I decided to use the "core" unit testing framework available with VS2008, and unfortunately it doesn't support RowTests. But it has a similar feature called Data-Driven Unit Test. With this approach it's a bit more complicate to implement the "simple" RowTest scenario, but it allows also to implement more complicate ones.