How do you bind an item to a quick button in Pokemon Black?

That's not entirely true... You registered items via the Select button in GSC, RSE, FRLG but not in DPPt. It has been the Y button ever since the main Pokemon series games have been on DS...

On DPPt, it has been only one key item that you could register at a time accessible via the Y button.

On HGSS, you could assign up to two key items, one accessible via Y but both accessible via the touch screen.

On BW and BW2, you could assign multiple items (including specific menus) by checking a box. Items that can be registered have a checkable box to their left, and menus that can be registered have a checkable box at the bottom of the touch screen. Once they are registered, they can be accessed by pressing Y and then navigating the list of items/menus you registered

On XY (I know it's not entirely on topic, but just mentioning it), you can register up to 4 key items, accessible by pressing Y and then Up, Down, Left or Right on either the circle or D-pad.

Abbreviations used:

  • GSC: Gold/Silver/Crystal
  • RSE: Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald
  • FRLG: FireRed/LeafGreen
  • DPPt: Diamond/Pearl/Platinum
  • HGSS: HeartGold/SoulSilver
  • BW: Black/White
  • BW2: Black 2/White 2

From the items menu, register the item, and then use the Y button in game to use the item.