Output redirection fails when using Start-Process to launch CMD with START /B

This is my test.ps1:

Start-Process -FilePath 'CMD.EXE' -NoNewWindow -ArgumentList '/C START /B PING.EXE google.com -t > logfile.txt 2>&1'
echo "Finished."

The test is an infinite ping to google, which is a good test for the conditions that I need to check:

  1. Open the process in a new detached thread (= see the 'Finished' printed out + see PING.EXE alive in the process list + CTRL+C not killing PING.exe) [OK]
  2. Collect the ping progress (that is: redirect standard input and standard error) to logfile.txt [FAILS] <= this solution does not seem to work on my test, logfile.txt stays at 0 bytes

It is a convoluted solution, even though my final goal is relatively simple. What I finally want is to reproduce this linux cmd in powershell:

ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Production ASPNETCORE_URLS=http://*:5000 dotnet run > ${LOGFILE_PATH}.txt 2>&1 &

The difficult part in Windows seems to be to "really detach the process". START /B is the only windows functionality that I have found that really does that. But then I have the "output redirection" problem. And since I need it in a .ps1 file, I need to wrap it in Start-Process.

You might be searching for one or more of the following Start-Process parameters:


Specifies a file. This cmdlet sends the output generated by the process to a file that you specify. Enter the path and filename. By default, the output is displayed in the console.


Start the new process in the current console window. By default PowerShell opens a new window.