Force kubernetes to use containerd when docker is installed

Solution 1:

Kubelet is the process responsible for the on-the-Node container actions, and it has a set of command-line flags to tell it to use a remote container management provider (both containerd and cri-o are consumed the same way, AFAIK):

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/kubelet --container-runtime=remote --container-runtime-endpoint=unix:///var/run/dockershim.sock

(assuming your containerd is listening on the same dockershim.sock path)

The fine manual specifically says to ensure you don't switch those flags with an existing Node registration, since it makes certain assumptions when creating the containers, so if you already have a Node that is using docker, ideally stop kubelet, blow away those containers, kubectl delete node $the_node_name and let kubelet re-register with the correct configuration