Which rootkit cleaner do you recommend for Windows XP? [closed]

I don't think you can actually use it to 'clean' a rootkit, but a very good 'detector' is RootkitRevealer from Sysinternals.

I wouldn't trust any of them. Once you've been "pwned", the best thing to do is start with a fresh system install.

Soon not even that will be enough. I've heard of malware that will find an EEPROM chip on your motherboard and over-write it with it's own firmware. The new firmware will duplicate the functionality of the previous firmware, but also have a copy of the virus waiting to install when that code is invoked. So you could completely reformat your hard drive and still be infected.

I think the pro version of AVG has root-kit protection and removal.

Personaly, if i found my windows box infected with a rootkit, I would just reformat and reinstall the OS. Even if there was a good tool out there that says it removed everything, I just would have a better peace of mind just reinstalling it all.


I use a program called "Malware Bytes" It is free and it works great. It kills nasty malware and rootkits.

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