Play system sounds from one computer through another computer's speakers?

Solution 1:

Airfoil ($25)

Send any audio from your PC to AirPort Express units, Apple TVs, iPhones and iPods Touch, and even other PCs and Macss, all in sync!

Solution 2:

You want this audio cable, from one computer's audio out or speaker port to the other's mic or line in port. Enable both from the audio properties dialogs, and you'll be fine.

Six bucks.

Solution 3:

The Network Audio System is a network transparent, client/server audio transport system. It can be described as the audio equivalent of an X server. Enjoy!

Key features of the Network Audio System include:

  1. Device-independent audio over the network
  2. Lots of audio file and data formats
  3. Can store sounds in server for rapid replay
  4. Extensive mixing, separating, and manipulation of audio data
  5. Simultaneous use of audio devices by multiple applications
  6. Use by a growing number of ISVs
  7. Small size
  8. Free! No obnoxious licensing terms

Solution 4:

Being unable to comment a previous answer, @tsilb - simply connecting a jack to jack to a mac line in or mic socket isn't enough to play back audio. Certainly with my iMac i use the line in to do exactly what the op wanted, but i have to run a small piece of software that actively outputs the line in audio. It was free from the same company that make airfoil (rogue amoeba) but it has to be running for audio to come out of the mac's speakers.

Just posting in case anybody wants to use the cable method. - beside that caveat it works wonderfully for me.

Solution 5:

Another alternative: Stream What You Hear (opensource)