Transactions in REST?

I'm wondering how you'd implement the following use-case in REST. Is it even possible to do without compromising the conceptual model?

Read or update multiple resources within the scope of a single transaction. For example, transfer $100 from Bob's bank account into John's account.

As far as I can tell, the only way to implement this is by cheating. You could POST to the resource associated with either John or Bob and carry out the entire operation using a single transaction. As far as I'm concerned this breaks the REST architecture because you're essentially tunneling an RPC call through POST instead of really operating on individual resources.

Consider a RESTful shopping basket scenario. The shopping basket is conceptually your transaction wrapper. In the same way that you can add multiple items to a shopping basket and then submit that basket to process the order, you can add Bob's account entry to the transaction wrapper and then Bill's account entry to the wrapper. When all the pieces are in place then you can POST/PUT the transaction wrapper with all the component pieces.

There are a few important cases that aren't answered by this question, which I think is too bad, because it has a high ranking on Google for the search terms :-)

Specifically, a nice propertly would be: If you POST twice (because some cache hiccupped in the intermediate) you should not transfer the amount twice.

To get to this, you create a transaction as an object. This could contain all the data you know already, and put the transaction in a pending state.

POST /transfer/txn
{"source":"john's account", "destination":"bob's account", "amount":10}

{"id":"/transfer/txn/12345", "state":"pending", "source":...}

Once you have this transaction, you can commit it, something like:

PUT /transfer/txn/12345
{"id":"/transfer/txn/12345", "state":"committed", ...}

{"id":"/transfer/txn/12345", "state":"committed", ...}

Note that multiple puts don't matter at this point; even a GET on the txn would return the current state. Specifically, the second PUT would detect that the first was already in the appropriate state, and just return it -- or, if you try to put it into the "rolledback" state after it's already in "committed" state, you would get an error, and the actual committed transaction back.

As long as you talk to a single database, or a database with an integrated transaction monitor, this mechanism will actually work just fine. You might additionally introduce time-outs for transactions, which you could even express using Expires headers if you wanted to.

In REST terms, resources are nouns that can be acted on with CRUD (create/read/update/delete) verbs. Since there is no "transfer money" verb, we need to define a "transaction" resource that can be acted upon with CRUD. Here's an example in HTTP+POX. First step is to CREATE (HTTP POST method) a new empty transaction:

POST /transaction

This returns a transaction ID, e.g. "1234" and according URL "/transaction/1234". Note that firing this POST multiple times will not create the same transaction with multiple IDs and also avoids introduction of a "pending" state. Also, POST can't always be idempotent (a REST requirement), so it's generally good practice to minimize data in POSTs.

You could leave the generation of a transaction ID up to the client. In this case, you would POST /transaction/1234 to create transaction "1234" and the server would return an error if it already existed. In the error response, the server could return a currently unused ID with an appropriate URL. It's not a good idea to query the server for a new ID with a GET method, since GET should never alter server state, and creating/reserving a new ID would alter server state.

Next up, we UPDATE (PUT HTTP method) the transaction with all data, implicitly committing it:

PUT /transaction/1234

If a transaction with ID "1234" has been PUT before, the server gives an error response, otherwise an OK response and a URL to view the completed transaction.

NB: in /account/john , "john" should really be John's unique account number.